Allow user to switch to tag
Right now you can switch to any branch within a project, but you should also be able to switch to any tag. Maybe within the same spinner, maybe via some other UI?
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
Right now you can switch to any branch within a project, but you should also be able to switch to any tag. Maybe within the same spinner, maybe via some other UI?
Added Feature label
Milestone changed to 2.2.6
I think that we will have a custom Dialog that allows you to see all branches and tags and switch to any of them which would then update the subtitle in the toolbar
@Jawnnypoo Keep in mind that any dialogs you add should be built using MaterialDialog
(see for proper theming, as app-theme-engine doesn't properly tint AppCompat dialogs for now.
Milestone changed to 2.2.7
Status changed to closed