Need More Control Over Issues
I should be able to change assignee, change milestones and open and close issues within the issue activity.
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
I should be able to change assignee, change milestones and open and close issues within the issue activity.
Also I should be able to edit the title and description if I have the permissions
You can now edit title and description. Need to find out a way to blank it out if you do not have the permissions
When will this feature be available in play? Looking foward to it.
It's there now, @stefan_1st I am also curious if @mentioning someone when leaving a comment will translate well to web...
Hey @Jawnnypoo,
i am going to have a look at it. Received a mail so either mentioning or me having commented on the issue was the reason for it.
Reassigned to @Jawnnypoo
Milestone changed to 2.2.0
Status changed to closed