Just found out the problem. App is not showing Readme if the file is spelled in all lower case like "readme.md" but showing it if it's spelled in all caps like "README.md".
I am not too sure that the case matters. Looking through the code there, the casing is ignored. I think it could be that it occurs on projects that do not have a default branch set. Is this the case for your project?
Just found out that LabCoat is not showing the full list of files in the root directory. And the Readme file is also for that reason is not shown. Screenshots are attached 😀
List of files on GitLab.com
List of Files on LabCoat
After License.txt no other file is loaded, and readme.md (which I changed it to README.md) is just after that.
@RodWizard I have at least two private projects in which the README.md is all caps and it doesn't load. Capitalization doesn't seem to be the problem. That's strange that it stops loading after the LICENSE.txt. Is the file that it stops loading at in the same position in each repo?
Ah yeah I think the issue is probably that they made this endpoint paginated with API v4. It did not used to be paginated, and calling to the root would list out all files and folders. We probably need to modify this to where we either search for a README file at the root if that is supported, or continuously load the files with pagniation until we find the README or reach the end.
Ahh, you are right. Do we think that is enough? Hopefully. Can you change this to reflect that @nprail ? Maybe make it a constant somewhere in case we run into something like this again