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  • 225-add-ci-build-status
  • 247-api-v4
  • 300-increase-label-display-limit
  • fdroid
  • master default protected
  • 2.6.3
  • 2.6.2
  • 2.6.1
  • 2.6.0
  • 2.5.0
25 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.019Jan181716151312111091091091098765432131Dec27262423201911106543212130Nov292823191716105419Oct18171615141211864328Sep222120191716151425Aug211614731Jul29282720Nov20Oct161514138Sep130Aug16Jul14432GitLabApp -> LabCoatAppChange the fabric key attribute to match the new app name. Update the README to point to the right things with the name changeBump version number and make it where you do not have to have GITLAB_FABRIC_KEY in order to build. the creator in the overviewShow milestone in issue detail. Better view for adding a noteMake issue and milestone creation scrollableUse Chrome custom tabs instead of linking out to a browser if the user has chrome and all thatFix add group member activity morph animationFix the users fragments and activities to show loading when they are loading more users to show (duh)Navigate to the user when they click their profile imageDivider on issues and merge requests?More dividers and only show assignee image if the issue is assignedAdd more and more dividers.Show Snackbar when text is copied instead of toast. Change some other Toasts to Snackbars. Fix palette to be more efficient.Change activity items to not be cards eitherRemove CircleImageView in favor of using a Picasso transform. Load images on comments MarkdownNew colors, new name, new design for files and projectsAdd LeakCanaryMerge branch 'master' into fdroid2.2.1-fdroid2.2.1-fdroidBasic typeahead searching with a 500ms debounce.Make the app source from about open in the app if the user is signed in to a accountPrevent user from signing into the same account twice.Add a Robolectric test for testing login. potential protection against null pointer exceptions when an atom feed url is not available.Null check around the adapter clear in ProjectsFragmentAdd some safety if the group is null and we try and see the feedShow a ? icon when we do not know the file typeChange checkAccountSet to load the latest Account instead of crash so that the app can recover when Application gets killed.Add CustomTrustManager to enable TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. Fixes #84Transparent background image, so that we can set the header background color in codeCheck webUrl of groups for null to prevent NullPointerExceptionFix url validationMerge branch 'master' into developFix null pointer exception that occurs if the type is nullMerge branch 'master' into fdroid2.2.0-fdroid2.2.0-fdroidFix buildscriptsMore inceptionMake the image not hugeMake the readme screenshot more inception-y if you are viewing it on your phone2. version bump