Opensource projects development area for Hubshark
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An attempt to get a system using major parts of the Symfony3 Demo. Implementing FOSUserBundle for USER MANAGEMT , the ADMINISTRATION is done using the EasyAdminBundle. Alomg with our hacks & mods.
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This project is to add an Administration area to our "sandbox". The name "sandbar" taken from : https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/fisheries/species-identification/shark-identification-guide/photo-guide-to-sharks/sharks,-part-1/sandbar-shark
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Named from: https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/fisheries/species-identification/shark-identification-guide/photo-guide-to-sharks/sharks,-part-2/winghead-shark Developing with all kinds of tutorials and things, pressed into this one -- let's hope it works.
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The HubShark Standard Edition is based on SimpleSB and molded into what I like, the README has more info.