Apr 1, 2017–Jul 31, 2017
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- console.warning is not a function
- Build a React component to add/edit localized strings
- DbObject foreign keys are instantiated even when no ID is provided
- React ApiRequest shouldn't add GET parameters with jQuery
- Add support for remote CssDocuments
- Manual properties are not always filled
- File Upload doesn't work
- Update Relevant Values converts keys to lowercase
- The JavaScript LocalizationService should return the default language when no language is specified
- Handle DateTimes in Conditions
- MySql count doesn't work
- When updating relevant values, an exception should be thrown if a column doesn't exist
- Multiple foreign keys in DbObjects are skipped
- Options attributes are used but not parsed
- PageRouteParameters should respect case
- Checker should be able to parse dates
- MySql boolean are converted to INT instead of UNSIGNED
- PreventEncoding option is case sensitive
- Checker should return converted values
- Add ApiContext to Languages in React
- MySql IDs and values are mixed
- MySql rounds decimal numbers
- Update of DbObject doesn't work with MySql
- MySql connections are not in UTF-8
- JavaScript API errors should be shown as console error
- UnexistingDbObjectException should be thrown only when the passed values are not set
- The Unauthorized response uses 200 as status code
- New Checker naming convention has not been updated in Authentication
- Fix checkerForToken() method to align to the new naming convention in Checker
- ForeignKey fix causes internal server error
- ForeignKeys are ignored
- MySql Dates are not parsed correctly
- MySql DateTime type is not TIMESTAMP
- DbObject Conditions should use environment table names
- Bug in objectWithId() when using a foreign key in DbObject
- When using a LeftJoinOperation in MySql an extraneous column name is added
- Authentication doesn't work with MySQL
- Migrate to a more stable Dependency Injection system
- DbObject Operations should be database dependent