Feb 20, 2017–Mar 11, 2017
Bug Sprint
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- destroyInvite explicitly called
- Failing augment causes message such as "--8 intellect"
- Dialogue options should be able to call methods on other objects' components
- Quest generation crashes when the player is too low level
- No-effect: Healing Spells Cast on Blocks
- Less xp for lower level mobs
- Party member displayed twice
- Estuary: mobs stats do not update when targeting the mob as a lower player enters dungeon
- Display item grid in shops
- Zooming out via the browser increases view
- Quests should take the player level into account before being generated.
- We should add 'Cancel Movement: Esc' to the help panel
- Spell tooltip damage doesn't update when switching gear.
- Augmenting items show code name, ex "+4 elementHolyResist"
- Item quantity is reduced to one when stashing a stack of items
- Reload box overlays weapon shortcut
- Reputation doesn't update past revered.
- Sometimes, talking to an npc crashes the server
- If a mob dies while chatting, the chat text doesn't vanish
- I once salvaged 0 x leather from a leather chestpiece
- When you loot a quest item, it shows the wrong quantity in the chat panel
- The EQ panel should show an icon for empty slots
- The gaekatla unique ALWAYS spawns a critter on kill
- The server sometimes crashes when you kill a mob and have a gaekatla item equipped.
- Dropping the critter item sold by Gaekatla priest crashes the server
- We should blacklist some words for character names.
- Name length should be limited
- Someone reported that crits get multiplied by 1.5 twice
- XP% Increase seems broken
- Ignore generated css files
- When buying back an item from a vendor, the server crashes sometimes
- Should be able to assign text colors to roles.
- Ability to link items in chat
- QuestKillX crashes when you login in an area where the quest wasn't generated
- Clean up console.log statements
- It's possible to talk to another player (right click) but it does nothing.
- Gold display on the Equipment screen does not appear to update
- The server crashes when there's no /server/mods folder
- When typing a message starting with a % (Party message) the server crashes
- You can't scroll the chat window any more
- Fireblast and Charge ignores collisions
- Kill X of Y quests aren't always completable
- Dropped items sometimes vanish.
- Tiled 0.18.1 doesn't store properties if there aren't any
- Level 8 and 9 mobs are doing way too much damage.
- Butcher prophecy causes you to be able to damage yourself