Mar 1, 2017–May 20, 2017
Bug Sprint
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- After the redesign, the login screen's extra buttons no longer work
- Replace bcrypt with bcrypt-nodejs
- Redesign the login screen
- Leveling outside the bounds of a maxLevel notice area causes the notice to never vanish
- Should be able to define map spawning positions per level
- Uppercase profanities aren't profane
- Inventory stays in compare mode (even if shift is released) after switching tabs
- It's possible to purchase faction items even if your rep isn't high enough
- When logging in with a gaekatla item in your inventory, the effect gets applied
- The tutorial and help screen implies you can equip items by clicking on them
- Add a new bag for yellow items
- Mobs don't always move back to spawn once their target dies
- Spears ignore LoS
- Only one mod works
- Fix small style issues in Firefox
- When charging, the renderer gets a bit 'behind'
- The new renderer crashes when you charge
- The player inventory should not be automatically sorted
- Invisible wall in town
- [shift] + [tab] should select previous enemy
- Remove the tutorial map and add the tutorial to the southern peninsula of the first island
- Rewrite renderer to only render tiles close to the player
- Titangrip sometimes results in negative stats
- Sometimes, initiating trade, crashes with the server
- Mobs that are more than 10 levels lower or higher than the player give incorrect xp
- The 'invite pending' box renders over the menu
- It's possible to charge through obstacles
- Passwords should be encrypted
- Add a new follower mechanic
- The login screen's extra buttons don't vanish after logging in
- Change the bcrypt salt to null so it auto calculates
- Pressing escape or j while selecting an item to equip should just close the item selection panel