May 22, 2017–Jun 30, 2017
Feature Milestone
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Primary abilities bug after rezone
- v0.1.4 Discussion
- Only spawn particles if they're on screen
- When getting level reduction from an item augment, the item's level isn't changed.
- Zones with no players in them never destroy (and deallocate) destroyed objects
- Player objects don't save when they have items with single quotes
- Create a lightning visual effect
- Fix necromancer bugs and polish
- Change how items are named
- Protect server-side methods from being called from the client
- The sprites.png file should be auto-generated in memory
- New item stat: Crit Multiplier
- New item stat: Level Requirement Reduction
- Create a new cave map
- Quiting to the character select screen doesn't clear all tiles
- Change the page title from 'dev' to 'Isleward'
- Item context menu stays open after inventory closes
- Necromancer Class
- When selecting enemies with [tab], if no targeatable enemies around, the player movement will pause
- When a player's faction tier changes, the server sometimes crashes.
- There are a bunch of UIs that don't follow the new look