Mar 6, 2017–Apr 30, 2017
tracking milestone for bug fixes and minor features to be incorporated in v. 1.1
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Password complexity incorrectly shows as not met
- FR: Current Password, New Password, and Verify New Password
- PasswordPolicy does not enforce minLength
- NoMAD does not check AD password complexity requirements
- Only show the Password Change window after nomad://passwordchange if a user is signed in
- FR: Have NoMAD show Sign In window on launch if no user is otherwise signed in.
- FR: Have NoMAD write out if the current user is signed in
- FR: test password policies when changing passwords
- Counter still visible when user is not connected to the company network
- A Prefs to hide LockScreen
- French localization
- Enhancement request, focus password input field
- FR: Multiple signed in users with only one of them having password sync
- Option to turn off the "days" display
- Limit LocalPasswordSync to matching usernames
- Home Sharepoint menu item does nothing if user's homeDirectory AD attribute contains a space in the path
- Close windows by using CMD+w or esc key.
- NoMAD 1.0.3 (561) Empty kerberos realm on first login wrongly claims invalid password.
- Add spinner to sign in and password change windows
- Pre-flight local password change for local password policies
- FR: Pref key to hide Renew Tickets menu
- Preferences SelfServicePath & Hiding Get Help
- ER: Provide an option to display the countdown in the menu bar even when no Kerberos ticket is present