Wiki content improvements
Task description
Improvements proposed by @rajm to the wiki, since he still has no edit rights.
My suggestions/corrections start with -- lines
What's New point 3 The primary focus is on the Beaglebone Black and the CIP Kernel v4.4.y -- lose the 'y' at the end of line
Kernel CI is used to build, boot and report results where LAVA is used -- s/where/whereas/ (or maybe 'and'?)
point 6
-- Add text (at end) 'If you have multiple IP addresses (e.g. due to wifi and ethernet both being active) then it is recommended that you disable all but one network interface.'
point 21
-- should the compile kernel instructions include the settings for compiling the BBB? CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-
point 25
-- there's a link to an image that isn't displaying - I get 'forbidden'
-- Generally, various of the points on the page are there to set up the FTDI cable to the BBB but when you get to that connect details are half way down the page and the other methods will need different advice?
Change the name of the Troubleshooting wiki page to Known Issues -
Add links to the Known Issues page on the feature page -
Add link back on the Known Issue page to the feature page -
Add to the wiki why we are using an old version of LAVAv2: it is the version included in Debian Jessie (backports) -
Add to the FAQ wiki page which kind of bugs should go to CIP ticketing system, which kind of bugs should go to LAVAv2 bug tracker (with link) and which ones should go to kernelci bug tracker (with link). -
Add a warning in the known issues wiki page to prevent root partition from being full, based on #82 (closed) and #84 (closed) comments. -
Add as recommendation in the documentation about the deployment that maybe increasing the RAM and storage capacity of the VM might be a good idea. Provide instructions on how to do it and links to more general documentation about the topic. -
Go through the Known issues wiki page following the strategy reflected in the comment to this ticket from May 18th published by Agustin. The current strategy is expensive when it comes to maintenance. -
add instructions on how to add an authentication token see -
Add more links to the board-at-desk... repo in file -
The BBB wiki page is not linked to any of te instructions page. Where does it goes in our step by step instruction? -
the vm appears to like a halt and re-up after provisioning and setup - maybe a 'we recommend ' at the close of part 2? -
mention that the health check for BBB in step 2 will fail because the BBB hasn't yet been set up