With this version can create pong like game with playground for linux and windows
- Linux
- Windows
- Linux
- Windows
All issues for this milestone are closed. You may close this milestone now.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Speed up CETech start time
- Playground does not send resize command
- Fix namespaces
- Linux memory leak
- Very slow msg parser in profiler
- OSX crash
- SIGSEGV on quit
- Memory leak on quit
- New playground architecture
- Use prefix cel_
- log_info all cvars on init
- rewrite task manager
- join recource compiler and resource manager
- High performance counter
- Asser reload support
- yaml manifest for playgrund modules
- Module based
- vecXf lua api doc
- renderer lua api doc
- Quatf lua api doc
- mat44f lua api doc
- Mesh lua api doc
- Material lua api doc
- material variable
- use py.test for c code
- Rewrite to good old C
- Lua: Package
- Lua: Unit
- Lua: Transform
- Lua: Camera
- Lua: World
- Asset view: Material
- Asset view: texture
- Engine instances manager
- Create one engine instance as compiler
- Destroy unit
- Destroy world
- Make protobuild external more multiplatform
- Asset preview
- Fix travis
- Move /data dir
- EntityManager
- WorldManager
- Better solution for CETech/CETechDevelop project definition
- ConfigSystem
- Lua api: PackageManager
- Lua api: Mouse
- Lua api: Keyboard
- Lua api: Application
- Crazy idea: Try rewrite engine to C# =D
- Python vs C#
- debug_index.json -> build.db
- RakNet ?
- Change playground architecture
- Corutine based task manager
- Try again GTK3
- Nanomsg inproc based TaskManager
- Refactor structures and types
- Nano msg for playground->engine rpc
- Nanomsg for profile data
- Nanomsg for Log
- Prebuild externals pack
- Replace yampl-cpp
- knuth buddy allocator
- Use nanomsg for comunication Engine <-> Playground
- Configure travis
- Build on windows
- clean osx port
- Log buffer
- BuildDB remove self dependency
- switch from JSON -> YAML for resource
- Connect script editor and log
- Refactor Playground
- Run standalone game
- Flush develop manager on all workers
- Config Resource
- Resource manager public api
- Package manager public api
- Log system public api
- File system public api
- develop manager public api
- Console server public api
- Task manager public api
- remove _globals from systems, managers
- Worker id to log output
- Try using log_system in assert
- Automatic lua api doc gen
- make log system independ on memory
- systems init and shutdown log info
- rafactor filesystem
- better sqlite in BuildDB
- prepare sql in BuildDB and use bind parameter
- Try find virtual interface alternative
- Asset compiler: External dependency increment compile
- Lua enviroment - use C++11 lambdas in set_module_function
- Parameter --core-dir
- Render to Playground widget
- Refactor platform spec. code
- CLang analyzer
- Package manager.flush: Do some job for task manager
- Rewrite task manager
- TODO: Compile Task Pool, reduce alloc free, ringbuffer?
- Gamepad API
- Scene resource + MeshComponent
- Material resource
- Texture resource
- Scene graph
- script editor - Find dialog, Find and replace dialog
- Application.console_send(message)
- Lua table to json (c api)
- auto compile resource
- Autoload resource in develop mode
- Compile lua resource to bytecode
- std str fce to celib (strlen, strdup, ...)
- Init bgfx
- Startup dialog like pycharm...
- Script editor - autocomplete
- Engine - DiskFileSystem - TODO
- Engine - Remove all warning
- Engine - disable RTTI and EXCEPTION
- Engine - print callstack on fatal error (assert, etc...)
- Engine - compile create debug index file
- Playground - luaeditor - basci command undo, rendo, copy, paste, cut, (menubar, popupmenu)
- Playground - luaeditor - close all button
- Playground - assetbrowser - create new script
- cvar: set value callback
- move compiler from resource manager
- Change "Device" to "Application"
- Lua API doc - vector2
- Lua API doc - vector3
- Lua API doc - package
- Lua API doc - mouse
- Lua API doc - keyboard
- Rewrite old log lua api to new
- better os code hiearchy
- Lua enviroment - mouse api
- GUI console widget: command history
- Lua enviroment - vector2 api
- Lua enviroment - quaternion api
- Lua enviroment - matrix api
- incremental compile
- Lua mouse api
- Lua enviroment - vector3 api
- Task manager - worker core affinity
- Task bassed resource loader
- Premake based 3rdparty compilation
- Task manager
- Asset manager
- sdl2 runtime
- euler angles -> matrix44
- euler angles -> matrix33
- euler angles -> quat
- axis angle -> Matrix44
- axis angle -> Matrix33
- Quat slerp