ECL 16.2.0
16.2.x series will introduce plug&play compiler architecture, cross compilation and other handy features.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Order of evaluation bug involving LOGEQV and VALUES in compiled code
- add make-fd-stream to the API
- --compile fails with "In function PATHNAME, the value of the only argument is T..."
- cffi: do benchmarks against CCL and SBCL
- ECL swank server can hang when signaling condition
- Local variable corruption, with handler-bind inside loop
- ansi-test SEGMENTATION-VIOLATION on test-compiled
- ecl_min: document available functions
- setting ECL_OPT_TRAP_SIGFPE to 0 should be equivalent to (si::trap-fpe t nil)
- 16.2.0 release candidate testing
- run coverity scans on ECL to find hidden defects
- bytecmp: problem with compiling lambdas
- bytecmp: CMP.0030.MAKE-LOAD-FORM leads to invalid FASC
- Declaimed Optional Types Lead to Bad Type Inference
- multiprocessing: implement atomic operations
- file_ops: if FILE_CNT not available, reading binary files causes problems
- timers from different threads
- ecl -shell does not support input stream from heredoc
- interrupting blocked open called on fifo, file-length called on opened fifo
- run-program doesn't close it's descriptors fast enough
- define-compiler-macro wrt lexical macrolet is not clhs compliant
- DEFGENERIC doesn't create methods on same pass as creating generics
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- asdf: some dependencies are not linked
- mapl: infinite loop
- Binary Compilation with defsystems having the same suffix
- ext:run-program's :environ keyword difficult to use and with inconsistent behaviour.
- m-v-b: bug in the compiler
- ffi:defcalback isn't consitant between `SFFI` and `DFFI`
- bytecmp accepts invalid mapcar
- the function program-error is undefined
- ffi: calling C functions