Projects with this topic
Swap colors in your vector graphics!
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Шаблон для создания документов latex по ГОСТ: отчетов о НИР, курсовыx, рефератов, дипломов и др.
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Talk preparation for the conference of Warsaw first and later maybe for other conferences
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A python script to adapt the format the journal names and page numbers of a bibtex file.
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Tradução das palavras reservadas do pacote LaTeX algorithmic para português.
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This is my report for my intership at @Masternaut in the research and development section. I have been hired to develop a performance test campaign using Gatling. But finally, I did quite more...
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Latex package: Macros for qualitative or quantitative content analysis.
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LaTeX style for writing contracts according to the Czech tradition // LaTeXový styl pro psaní smluv podle českých tradic
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Front-end interface for PTU users.