Projects with this topic
Таблица интервалов византийской музыки
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DeaDBeeF is an audio player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 written in C and C++.
This is my personal, cloned repository. If you're looking for the official version of DeaDBeeF, please go to instead.
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A funny Python program which plays a series of musical notes in random order. Supports a lot of scales, random number distributions and effects.
The awesome Pyo module is used for audio output, GUI built with wxPython.
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BeepComp is a chiptune maker app. Write text, play beeps! :)
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Collaborative Sheet Music editor
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Keep your music collection in great shape.
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Facilaj muzikaĵoj por okarina kaj klavarinstrumentoj · נעימות קלות לנגינה באוקרינה ובכלי־מקלדת
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Main repo of python scripts to manipulate LSDJ ROM.
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eMusic/J is a cross-platform alternative download manager for, and can be readily customised for use by other services.
It is light-weight, simple, and fast.
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Submit FreeDB data to MusicBrainz
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Turn a Raspberry Pi into an RFID-controlled Jukebox. Powered by Raspberry Pi, MFRF522, node.js, and Python.
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This software allows you to render a score of a .wav
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A filebrowser plugin for the DeaDBeeF audio player.
Check out the source (see README for info):
Old project home:
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A free Linux CLI music score library manager.