Projects with this topic
Lavacharts is a graphing / charting library for PHP 5.4+ that wraps Google's Javascript Chart API.
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A successor of the PEAR:Net_LDAP2 module providing advanced functionality for accessing LDAP directories
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Simple and Lightweight CMS Framework
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menu based Nginx auto installer (GPLv3 licensed)
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Open Source CMS (Content Management System) and build applications with Codeigniter and Bootstrap.
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Latest System Tools on the latest stable Ubuntu release for x86_64 architectures
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A Docker Stack to run a Php7 Apps. Composed by Http, Php, Database, Cache, Queue, Logger, Cron Jobs and CLI services.
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My blog, redesigned and made to work like the Story project.
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Herramientas para el equipo de la ULM (Unidad Logística de Medicamentos) de la Dirección Provincial de Programa Sanitarios del Ministerio de Salud Bonaerense
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Web part of script (LDonate) for monetize your minecraft server.
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XMTK stands for eXtensible Markup Tool-Kit for PHP. It consist of Parser and Writer classes. The Parser transforms the result of xml_parse_into_struct() to the array containing unobtrusive data of XML. And the Writer creates XML from such arrays.
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Funky is a PHP framework that allows you to build anything from static pages to crazy huge apps
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a codeigniter with few fixeds and features pre-included
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Modular user interface for downloader daemons
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Server UO built in PHP
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PHP, JavaScript and Python combined framework to build Web applications.
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MediaWiki 1.29.0 on OpenShift v3 or v2.