Projects with this topic
Bank2eekboek maakt van een bankrekeningoverzicht een Eekboek-mutaties-bestand.
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Library providing primitives for patterns aiming at implementing adaptive behavior in component-based software
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A puredata+python+rake scripts to enable a webradio station running in RaspberryPi
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Thermostat d'ambiance multizone libre. Interface utilisateur et communication entre les composants en wifi.
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This python project aims to control a robot throught XMPP ad-hoc commands (see The robot is able to detect face or objects with the help of the OpenCV python bindings (python2 only for now).
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A library providing printing facilities for python applications
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Exemplo de projeto escrito em Python utilizando Bottle e libMRAA para acessar a GPIO (no caso o led conectado na porta 13 dela) do Intel Edison.
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Python library to help launching a fleet of Spot instances within AWS infrastructure
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Stupidly-simple, file-based, command-line, hyphen-loving tweeting using python.
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Zeyple is a Postfix filter/hook to automatically encrypt outgoing emails with GPG/PGP.
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A set of 3D mesh processing tools.
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.:.Pygame desde CERO.:. Taller destinado al público en general. Nivel de audiencia: principiante.
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This is a sample code for creating reports in python.
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My very own coding standards for different programming languages
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Main repo of python scripts to manipulate LSDJ ROM.
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A Python-based ASCII programming-puzzle game.