Projects with this topic
Because everyone's app should puke JSON to stdout
My target is Django/gunicorn apps within Kubernetes pods; however, there is no reason why this can't be used sans gunicorn/kubernetes. (Yes, even gunicorn can puke JSON!)
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A Python code to create decision tree based on some training data-set.
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python scripts to create a git repo.
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Git-Repo: CLI utility to manage git services from your workspace
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python scripts to work with DynamoDB. CRUD functions and more.
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A general math utilities library providing Matrix, Vector, Quaternion, Euler and Color classes, written in C for speed.
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Library for parsing and storing University of Wyoming sounding into HDF5 files. Original code developed by Philip Austin.
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Python toolbox implementing LASSIM (Large Scale Simulating Modelling), a new simulation-based integrative framework for GRN inference.
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a minimalistic and slightly verbose parser combinator library.
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gevent-websocket is a WebSocket library for the gevent networking library.
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Push Down Automate básico desarrollado en python, el cual reconoce solo 3 tipos de lenguajes especificados en el readme y dentro del modulo ""
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Sitio django para Corretaje Propiedades [REAL STATE]
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Custom python scripts or projects on the field of bioinformatics.
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Source code for Wikidata bot WhidouBot. User page: .
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a bunch of "flatteners" for python (3) nested sequences
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Scripts from the course Complex Networks: Introduction to Big Data