Projects with this topic
A simple python script I wrote to download all of the daily lecture slides for my Object Oriented Programming in C++ course. This script has been scheduled to run every Monday and Wednesday during class for the 2017 Spring semester usin
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Learning Python with the course I buy from
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Joystick Input Tester with Python using pygame library
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Python implementations to the Project Euler problems.
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Python based toolkit for managing and reporting spam on
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Program changes photo file name to format yyyymmdd-hhmmss.jpg by using jhead tool and moves photos and videos from source folder to photo and video folders. A new sub folder is created if year folder doesn't exists. Uses python 2.7 and jhead tool.
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Automate Updating of your IPTV urls in tvheadend.
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Personal Pelican site using GitLab Pages
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Python CLI application helping you quickly and conveniently capture timelogs and post them to configured redmine. Optional GTimelog or UTT integration.
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Web scraper using Scrapy framework to collect prices from online supermarkets and other sources.
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Python program for getting Population from Elysium Project website and storing it into Postresql database
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Select board, insert library, compile and upload code to Arduino and combatible board in Geany.
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A Python implementation of computer vision algorithms based on the theory of the book "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", second edition, by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman, Cambridge University Press.
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