Projects with this topic
Emenda Klocwork QT Creator plugin Source Code PUBLIC REPO
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Gambas is a free development environment and a full powerful development platform based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, as easy as Visual Basic™.
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GUI for mtn (Movie Thumbnailer) https://gitlab.com/movie_thumbnailer/mtn
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🌟 Calamares configuration and branding for Astian OSUpdated -
A C++ library written on top of Qt, providing utilities to work with CalDAV and iCal.
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GUI markdown editor based on discount markdown library
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A C++ library to access ActivityPub-based services, based on Qt 5.
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Repository contains Dockerbuild file that is used to build image with Qt5, clang and g++
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A newly written enterprise sip server which re-thinks my original sipwitch architecture using Qt. WARNING: Still in early development.
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A simple application to facilitate gui prompts and output from the command line or shell scripts
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A simple application that lets you search for and view system manual pages formatted for normal output
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A simple application to search for and find content in a directory of text files written in C++ using Qt.
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Promises for Qt - Simplify working with asynchronous data
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Qt-based logger, optimized for GUI-applications. Also support non-GUI mode, so can be used for daemons or cli.
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Developer - VITTACH (https://www.vk.com/vittach)
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Qt5 build environment Docker images
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A spriting and animation tool made in C++ & Qt.