Projects with this topic
Pokémon Unity by IIcolour Spectrum
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sharing some unity scripts here
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HedgePhysics is a open source 3D Sonic engine made in Unity made by lakefeperd with some coding help from Damizean.
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Unity 2D Sonic the Hedgehog engine
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Unity3d docker image for running commands in a CI such as gitlab-ci
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This project is an attempt to run tests and create builds using gitlab-ci in a unity3d project.
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Flappy Bird Clone made in Unity 5.4.1f1.
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Ticking Arena is a local party game where 2 to 4 players will be part of intense but yet simple battles where time is of the essence.
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2D Mobile Platformer on Unity (Completed Project)
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Some usefull unity3d scripts.
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An attempt to create an easy to use and easy to understand networking library for C# that is compatible with Unity3D. This project will start with Peer to Peer in mind, and move onto Client to Server later (hopefully .NET CORE based)
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Загрузка карты поверхности (формат на свой вкус), карта должна содержать запрещенные (препятствия) и разрешенные области Отображение загруженной карты на экране Выбор пользователем начальной и конечной точки пути Построение пути Вывод путиUpdatedUpdated
Unity3D Space shooter tutorial with tags set for the beginning of each step.
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