Decide what to do with the wiki
We currently have three wiki-like sites: on the hand the MediaWiki instance at, on the other hand the newly deployed documentation section at and on the third hand the wiki category in the forum at
I think the consensus is that we needly an easily editable wiki beside the docs on Keeping both the wiki category in the forum and the MediaWiki instance on alive is inefficient, now really working and causes confusion, as seen here, here, here, here and here.
From what I can see, we have two options:
Repair the MediaWiki instance and close down the wiki category in the forum
- Works fine without JavaScript
- No work for changing log output/app details
- More work because maintaining both Discourse and MediaWiki
- Need to invest additional work into MediaWiki for repairing
Close the MediaWiki instance and only use the wiki category in the forum
- Less work for maintaining
- Looks ugly and editing doesn't work without JavaScript
- Need to change log output/ app wiki details