Seems like we should never let this happen. We need to improve fdroid build
to do a better reset of git submodules.
Each project on gitlab can also have a wiki, if people think that's a better place than Mediawiki or Discourse.
The whole build process posts to the Mediawiki instance, and changing that will require a lot of work. Ideally, the build process would post markd...
I agree, there are to many wikis to remember.
Just dump it to!
You can download my copy of here, which I got originally from on June 29, 2016:...
@eighthave it would be good to have this when testing replacements from official debian sources.
If anyone needs, ping me and I'll set up a place to download it.
We should move to using the official Debian base box, and not our custom one. But that's not trivial, it'll take some work. So I'd close this issu...
Please, give the proper priority to this as it is damaging a bit the image of F-Droid with broken links to badge images everywhere. Thanks.
Can be closed, if you ask me.
Is this ticket still relevant or can it be closed?
In the spirit of making the entire website as explicit and managed as possible, I'm happy to add this to the deploy script if you'd like (e.g. as p...