Automatically link from /FDroid.apk to latest version
The repo index documents what the latest version of org.fdroid.fdroid
is. Therefore, we should be able to automatically generate a redirect from /FDroid.apk
to /repo/org.fdroid.fdroid_*.apk
for the current version of F-Droid.
This will prevent having to manually update /FDroid.apk
each time there is a new version (see admin#41 (closed)).
I'd like some feedback on the best approach though. We could add a liquid tag to jekyll-fdroid such as {{ latest-fdroid }}
or {{ latest-version "org.fdroid.fdroid }}
(whatever the synatx is).
However, it seems that it'd be even more useful (though perhaps more work?) if fdroidserver output a symlink to the CV for each package into the repo. That way, I would know (both as a web dev wanting to link to, but also an end user wanting to download) that I can type in or and get the best and most stable version without having to worry about version codes at all.
Thoughts @NicoAlt, @eighthave?