Cleanup of old, removed versions does not work (own repo)
- Device OS and version: Android 5.1 and Android 5.0
- Device model/manufacturer: Motorola Moto G and Aquaris E4
- F-Droid version (in the About screen): 0.103.2 and 0.102.3
What did you do? (clear steps if possible)
- Setup my repo with high frequently changing versions
- Update repo so that an old apk-version gets removed from this repo (e.g. moved to archive)
What did you expect to see?
Cleanup of old version. So after updating the repo only those apps that are available via this repo should be contained in the versions-list
What did you see instead?
I see all versions the client has ever seen - independently if they are removed or not. But as there are moved on the server to the /archive-Folder older versions will fail downloading