When beta version of the app installed from Play Market, versions are not shown in F-Droid
- Device OS and version: Lineage OS 14.1-20170724-NIGHTLY-angler (Android 7.1.2)
- Device model/manufacturer: Google Nexus 6P
- F-Droid version (in the About screen): 1.0-alpha1
What did you do?
- Install an app from Google Play Market (OsmAnd+ as an example)
- Opt-in for beta version, upgrade
- Look at "Versions" at app screen in F-Droid
What did you expect to see?
List of available versions
What did you see instead?
Literally nothing, empty list.
For those apps from Play Market that have similar versions on F-Droid there is no such issue, so I think it is cause by newer beta version.
Edited by username-removed-341962