Please add an option to bulk update apps. It would be ok if each app update still has to be approved, if the user does not have to open and press update for each app.
Current workflow
Updates tab
Press app A > Press update > App A downloads > Press install > Press done > Press back
Press app B > Press update > App B downloads > Press install > Press done > Press back
Improved workflow
Updates tab > Press update all
App A downloads > Press install app A > Press done
App B downloads > Press install app B > Press done
This would decrease the number of user presses from 5 to 2 per updated app without requiring root.
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Due to time constraints, I no longer work on this issue. Feel free to reassign. I am still free to answer questions regarding the implemented Installers, e.g., root installer.
+1, I would really appreciate this. Ideally the workflow should be that all updates are first downloaded, then installed, so that all downloading can be done in the background and then there is less time to wait between the install confirmations.
The system installer lets us use system permissions to act as a package manager and do installs/uninstalls in bulk without the user's confirmation. This would allow for a much better experience, instead of having to watch each package install one by one with PackageManager.
If you want to implement an alternative with the default installer using PackageManager, you're free to develop one.
I guess especially the case with added required permissions could be complex. If the API changes it will probably also need more maintenance. For me it would be fine if the install dialogue appears a few times as long as the rest is automated.
I guess that's also what amazon thought when they created their app store because that's what happening there.
I've had F-Droid for a bit now and I just enabled Expert > Install using system-permissions and received the error "This option is only available when F-Droid is installed as a system app.". I've done a Google search but I am not seeing any clear instructions on how to enable System Permissions.
Is anybody familiar with an explanation for installing F-Droid w. System Permissions? I'd like to be prepared to test this functionality when available. Thanks.
Is there any update on this? Many people I know get horribly confused because there is an update icon in the right-top of the update screen, which doesn't update a single app. I've ran into people pressing it over and over for about an hour not getting why it didn't update any app.
@mvdan I don't agree we need system installer support for this. It would be nicer, but it should be possible to use this on non-rooted devices too.
I think the first step for this should be moving all the download/install code from AppDetails into a new IntentService. This way, downloads are also not cancelled when you exit AppDetails.
Then, we can just send a new intent for each apk that should be installed. I'm just not sure how we can stack the install screens together (what if the user starts one download, then starts another?)
One thing to consider: many devices may be unable to download all updates at once, due to limited storage (even a small number of apps to update can reach hundreds of megabytes). There should be a way to download, install, download, install, i.e. sequentially rather than downloading everything at once. Even if the process is automated, downloading all first isn't necessarily the best strategy.
With 0.100, you can now queue up as many installs as you want, and they'll be downloaded in the background. This is very closely related to #106 (closed)
If you have the installed installed on your phone, and you enable Automatic Updates, this is working with 0.101-alpha6. To do bulk updates without system/root access, we're working on the UI there, you can see that here: #709 (closed)
And now, as per #840 (closed), this has been merged into master. Looking forward to getting this 0.103 alpha out some time soon so we can share all this goodness with you all.