Descriptive message when no compatible versions of an app are found
When I view details of an app which doesn't have any compatible versions available, it would be nice to have a message where the versions list is usually displayed explaining why no versions are listed.
Maybe this doesn't happen to many (or any) others, but on my device (Samsung Galaxy Pocket Neo), there's a package called "µg UnifiedNlp for GAPPS-free devices". I don't remember exactly how it was installed on my phone - it may have come with the phone or installed through Google Play Store or installed directly as a dependency when I installed Navit or OpenStreetMaps. Anyway, it shows in the list of installed applicationsin F-Froid (in the list view, the text is grey like it's disabled), but when I view the package details, no versions show in the list. If I enable the preference to show incompatible versions, I can see a few versions listed, but they all say "Requires: 4.4. or later".