F-Droid community expectations and how it affects the main app design
I've been thinking about the overall brand. I know that this isn't within the bazaar scope per say, but when thinking about the main view and what we should surface, it's important to consider how people perceive FDroid and what they expect from it. In the simplest form, a novice user should expect an app store. But, FDroid is different. It is an app store committed to free and open source apps and one that allows you to get apps from various people you trust (via nearby or repos).
To jump to the point, here is an example of wording that I think would help FDroid appeal simply both to novice and tech-savvy users.
- Get apps from people you trust. FDroid connects you with apps from various organizations and peers physically near you.
- FDroid is committed to providing free and open source apps.
- FDroid—Your community app store **Note: This exact wording would need to be tweaked. Right now, I just want to communicate the spirit of it.
How this affects the main design: When someone uses FDroid for the first time, they should understand "Hey, I can download these apps" and "Hey, I can get even more apps (if I add sources (aka repos) or connect with someone nearby)". They will likely discover the second (nearby aka swap), while at a training or from an organization's website. But, it should be easy, conceptually, for them to know this and where to tap within the app to do it.
Main Navigations Options (Accessed via a bottom bar if we decide to use this pattern) Option 1:
- Apps (Contains What's New and Categories)
- Sources or Collections (Home for repos and the nearby feature)
- Updates
- Settings (Includes a link to the About view)
Option 2:
- Apps (Contains What's New and Categories)
- Sources or Collections (Home for repos and the nearby feature)
- Updates
- Me (Includes Updates with links to Settings and About views)
In general, I think that moving from words like 'repo' to 'source' or 'collection' will add a lot of value to FDroid because it makes the app more familiar to novice users. I eager to hear feedback on this approach from the community of folks that have invested so much time and heart into the app. @pserwylo @eighthave @all