feature request: q and a / comments section
- Device OS and version: android 6 / cm 13
- Device model/manufacturer: some phone with 4 cores and 720p 5' screen, i dont know the name cause i dont care/ theyareallthesame and brake apart to rapatly to renember how they want to be called
- F-Droid version (in the About screen): 0.100.1
What did you do? (clear steps if possible)
Not relevant
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Not relevant
What did you see instead?
Not relevant
The ability to exchange with other brings is one of the most basic abilitys of intelligent live. Open source wouldn't be possible without it. So i ask myself why dose the only available open source app repository for Android donsnt have a comment / question and answere section??? Please add one! You may build it as a mailing list. So on the app is shown the static content recived from the server and if somwone taps post/reply it whould open k9mail (or whatever) with appid@conversations.f-droid.org (or so) so you dont need a user database at all ;)