How best to internationalise names of new languages
Recently I pulled down the newest set of translations from Weblate and merged them into master
. This broke the build because there is a convenient script which gets run by CI that has the following output:
In the settings array: fi ko id bg ar fa nl de zh-rCN es sc sn sl th he ja ca uk cs el ro eo lv mk ta sv ug is sk sr sq fr pt-rBR nb ru hu my ur pt-rPT it zh-rTW tr ast hr et lt pl vi da gl zh-rHK eu hi en
Actually translated: fi ko id bg ar fa nl zh-rCN de es sc th sl sn he ja ca uk cs ku el ro eo mk lv ta sv ug sk sr is sq fr pt-rBR nb ru ur hu my pt-rPT it zh-rTW tr ast lt et pl hr vi da gl zh-rHK eu hi en
From here we can see that there is a newly added Kurdish language translation (ku) which is not accessible from the F-Droid settings menu.
How would I go about deciding what to call this language? Here are some options:
- Call it "Kurdish" (the English name).
- Go to my Android settings and select Kurdish, then see what is there (it shows "Kurdish" when I select it in the list of languages, and then "Ku" once selected).
- Use Google Translate or other online translation services (Google translates the English word Kurdish to "Kurdî").
- Ask some of my Iranian friends if they know the difference between Farsi and Kurdish and if so can they provide a translation.
- Ask on the translation forum.
Does anybody have any suggestions?