Crash when trying to open app details - built from commit "Merge branch 'mvp76--notifications_742' into 'master'"
- Device OS and version: LineageOS 14.1 (Android 7.1)
- Device model/manufacturer: Nexus 5 (hammerhead)
- F-Droid version (in the About screen): v0.102-132-g04182b64aa (git describe HEAD)
What did you do? (clear steps if possible)
Launch F-Droid, tap any app's name. F-Droid debug (app-debug.apk) installed to /system/app, PrivExt installed to /system/priv-app (and working with stable v0.102)
What did you see instead?
It crashed.
Stack trace:
Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/drawable/donation_option_litecoin.xml from drawable resource ID #undefined