f-droid repository overwrites guardian repository
- Device OS and version:Copperhead, Android 7.1.1
- Device model/manufacturer: Nexus 5X
- F-Droid version (in the About screen):0.102.2
What did you do? (clear steps if possible)
Installed orbot, without guardian-project repo enabled first. (not sure, wasn't paying attention at first try.) Afterwards, whenever I have guardian-project AND f-droid enabled, orbot will be installed from f-droid repository. (The orbot-version from f-droid is old and doesn't work because of a missing mp3-file)
What did you expect to see?
Since the guardian-project orbot-version is higher, I expected f-droid to install this version
What did you see instead?
although f-droid reports the version number from guardian-project (15.2.0-RC-8-multi), a different version of orbot is installed (15.0.1-rc-3-PIE, as reported by orbot itself) However, f-droid uses the icon of the old version in app-list!
workaround: disable f-droid repository and update to get version from guardian-repo