PrivExt warns users that you cannot directly install the PrivExt APK on Android 5.1 or newer. The problem is that this also stops updates when PrivExt is already installed as a priv-app. Instead, PrivExt should not put up that warning if it is not present in /system/priv-app.
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I'll look at the update scenario meanwhile, should be a good time to setup a local fdroidserver instance to have my own repo for testing updates (or I could just install an old version and try to update I guess)
I put this there because I wasn't able to get the root installation method working on Android > 5.1, this has nothing to do with the method. That this prevents updates of the extension is indeed bad.
I would propose:
change string to "On Android 5.1 or later F-Droid Privileged Extension must be installed by manually flashing"
By checking whether the privext is installed and being used before checking if the apk to be installed is privext, updates work.
Can't exactly test this right now as I ran into a chicken and egg problem.
To test updates properly, I need to install the signed privext.
If I have the signed privext, it won't let my debug fdroidclient build (with above patch) access privext.
If I use a debug privext with my debug keys, upgrading will first ask me to uninstall the privext.
I'll setup a local fdroid repo to work around this, I've wanted to do that since a while to test updates.
ah, I see this is actually a bug in fdroidclient, not priv ext. So the
original PrivExt was able to be installed directly by F-Droid on rooted
devices. Starting in 5.1, this was no longer possible, so we added that
check to the root install method so that people would get a warning that
this method no longer worked.
So for this case, we'll have to change the logic a bit. The priv-app
detection will need to happen in the code that chooses which Installer
subclass to use. If PrivExt is installed in /system/priv-app on any
version, then updates should be installed via the normal installer.
Once we have a fix for this, it should be merged separately into
One thing we could do for the > 5.1 devices, assuming that if users want to install the they would have a recovery setup, and that there is root access - install the zip automatically.
the recoveries have a language which the system updater uses to tell which file to install, and we can leverage that.
There's a file, /cache/recovery/command (before 7.0 as 7.0 dropped the cache partition), and it contains
We can write that file, issue a reboot to recovery and then the package would be installed automatically.