Thanks @licaon-kter. I/we really do appreciate your level of input on this issue tracker, because the more feedback we get the better. However it would be much more helpful if you could stick to the issue templates and add more detail when reporting issues.
I am unsure what the "Managed apps view" is and so am unable to comment.
Perhaps you mean something like this (please correct me if I'm wrong):
Device OS and version: ...
Device model/manufacturer: ...
F-Droid version (in the About screen): 0.103-alpha2
What did you do? (clear steps if possible)
Opened F-Droid.
Left it on the first tab (labeled "Latest").
Looked at the list of apps in that tab.
What did you expect to see?
A list of the most recently updated apps, sorted by the app names.
What did you see instead?
A list of apps (not sure if they were most recently updated or something else). It looks like they were sorted by repository rather than by the app names.
Device OS and version: Cyanogenmod 13 (Android 6.0.1)
Device model/manufacturer: Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9300)
F-Droid version (in the About screen): 0.103-alpha3
What did you do? (clear steps if possible)
Go to settings
Go to manage installed apps
I can see the list of apps
What did you expect to see?
I was expecting to see the whole list of apps sorted alphabetically, with no difference if I have the recommended version or not.
What did you see instead?
I think that first are listed the apps for which I have installed a version different than the recommended (no star in the version that I have installed), and this group is sorted alphabetically. Then, the apps for which I have the recommended version installed (with star) is shown, in alphabetical order.