F-Droid version (in the About screen): 0.103-alpha3
What did you do? (clear steps if possible)
I was made aware of available updates via an external app "ApkTrack" and started F-Droid to check for updates.
What did you expect to see?
A list of available updates within F-Droid.
What did you see instead?
Nothing, F-Droid alpha didn't list any updates as available. Even entering app details for e.g. K9-Mail didn't show an update, although one WAS available. It was also listed when clicking the versions field but not offered. Since alpha1 if I remember correctly I didn't get any update notifications from within F-Droid :-/.
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Thanks for the report. In addition to @licaon-kter's question, I'd also be keen to know:
If you go to "Settings" -> "Manage Repositories" -> "F-Droid", what does it say under "Last Updated"?
When you view K9-Mail:
Which version did you have installed?
Which version was the highest version visible in the app details screen (once you expand "Versions")?
Which version had a star next to the version name? If an app is not manually specified as the "Suggested version" in our metadata, then it is possible to have an app which will be available via F-Droid, but it will not be suggested for updates.
I am not able to reproduce this, so we will need more info if we are to fix this.
I see a current time for "Last Updated" e.g. 08:08 this morning
For K9-Mail, I was using version 5.206, while 5.207 was already available and listed under the "Versions" information as highest version
I don't remember, which version had a star but currently a version from the F-Droid Archive repo has a start and that is version 2.203
Currently I see the problem again with OsmAnd~, I have 2.5.4 installed, 2.6.2 is available and 2.4.6 (again from F-Droid Archive repo) is the one with a star. I have enabled expert mode and unstable updates in settings if that helps.
Oh, that is very helpful, thanks for the detailed response @Diapolo.
@guest4711: Do you have the archive repo enabled also?
What is happening is that the repository with the lower position in the "Manage Repositories" screen takes priority. Because we default to having F-Droid Archive below F-Droid, then when both are enabled we prioritise apps from the archive repo. Clearly this is incorrect.
I'll have a look into this, thanks for the report.
The quick solution for this is to force "F-Droid" to always be below "F-Droid Archive", and hence always have a higher priority.
The better solution would be to have Archive repositories be aware that they are an archive for a particular other "main" repo. So the "F-Droid Archive" metadata would include a tag such as archive-for: https://f-droid.org/repo.
Given the difficulty and work involved in the second option, I think we should just force "F-Droid" (and indeed "Guardian Project") down one level in the Manage Repositories screen.
username-removed-25042changed title from 0.103-alpha3 is not showing and update notifications to Not showing and update notifications
changed title from 0.103-alpha3 is not showing and update notifications to Not showing and update notifications
@pserwylofdroidserver sets CurrentVersionCode (aka Suggested Version Code aka <marketvercode>) to the same thing for both the repo and the archive, so priority does matter. You can see that in the current index by looking for "com.fsck.k9" in these: