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0.103 - UX Overhaul
As part of the Bazaar 2 Funding, we are going to focus on overhauling the UX of F-Droid. The main structure of F-Droid (i.e. three tabs on the main screen, the general crux of the app details view, the repository view) have remained essentially the same for the past 6 years or so, apart from some great work recently to tweak the app details screen to include a better UX.
This milestone will include issues around the team discussing, refining, and then implementing mock ups for various parts of the UI.
Debug builds for testing
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- always use explicit Intents in PendingIntents
- Crash when uninstalling app
- Crash due to icon URL being null.
- UnknownFormatConversionException in categories view.
- Updates view crashing when app update status is removed.
- Crash when resuming main activity
- AppDetails view crashing due to vector drawable
- "Couldn't find app while installing" error
- Sardinian does not appear in the language list anymore (the translation is 100% complete)
- Header background flickers
- Not showing and update notifications
- Categories view should be sorted
- "Manage Installed Apps" view sorting
- Notify user about downloaded but not installed apps
- Show App's License
- Realdoni esperantan tradukon
- App Details buttons wrap too easily in some locales
- Empty state view for updates tab and Installed apps activity
- Navigation doesn't work on Android 2.3 or 4.0
- App crashes when an app is opened from the latest view (and tapping the app icon)
- Unable to install apps on Motorola phones
- Changing the language in F-Droid isn't reflected until F-Droid is restarted.
- Add "About" screen
- Use placeholder images for screenshots rather than app icons
- Auto-download updates not working
- Update Nearby graphic and text
- Crash when trying to open app details - built from commit "Merge branch 'mvp76--notifications_742' into 'master'"
- App content takes a few minutes to load after installing .apk
- Display Anti-Features
- Correct back behavior from app details
- In App Details, scroll the view up when an expandable section opens
- Add a touch state for expandable sections in App details
- Default feature image color takes too long to load and often fails
- Latest View - Remove 'Recently Updated' and 'What's New' text
- Display apps in latest view as a grid
- Install action is not clear in the app list view
- How best to internationalise names of new languages
- Category View
- My Apps and Updates View
- Setting for Automatic Updates
- Iconography
- "Install / Upgrade / Run" Button hide app installed version
- Layout Sketches for the App Details Design
- rework notifications to work with new UX
- RTL: Pager shown in wrong direction
- Layout Sketches for the Main App Design
- F-Droid community expectations and how it affects the main app design
- app store screenshots for comparison
- survey of "nearby" file sharing aka swapping
- Change database structure to be faster, better support multiple repos.
- Pull to refresh
- Missing "working" indicator when installing an app
- Shouldn't remove by clicking on installed version
- Use a navigation drawer
- Make donation button more prominent in App details view
- Highlight apps added/changed since last repo update
- Applications screenshots support