The jekyll plugin (afaik) generates each app page, so the bug with the wrong urls being linked should be located here.
i'm not sure if it is here the right place, maybe fdroid-website suits better, because...
Moving actually to the Jekyll Plugin tracker because I think this needs to be fixed here. Related to #16, not sure if the issues can't just be merg...
b157bf5f · Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
- ... and 5 more commits. Compare b7c849f5...b157bf5f
I tested this a bunch, and I'm trying to get the localized site launched, so I'm going to self-merge.
@NicoAlt: Oh, and thanks for appropriate tagging of 0.1.1. I didn't even think about that, but it makes perfect sense the way you've done it (inclu...
b7c849f5 · Add information on how to use with the old index
- ... and 1 more commit. Compare 6c6a42b8...b7c849f5
6c6a42b8 · Release 0.2.0
- ... and 2 more commits. Compare 289ed6a6...6c6a42b8
@pserwylo I looked through the changes and tested it on your server and found nothing to comment. As always, great work! F-Droid can be proud to ha...