Browse view: UI for adding and going back
@NicoAlt Based on our insights from the user tests, we need to make a few tweaks in this view.
Here's a summary of the insights related to this:
Participants want a clear way to go back. The majority didn't easily discover the 'done' button with saving and going back to the main view. Some participants tapped back in the browser.
To Do's:
- Add back button (When tapped, add the apps that have been selected)
- Change '1 app to be added x' to '1 Added' (Note: Even though we don't technically add until they leave this view, I believe it's more clear to to say that it's added, so there's not confusion about what happens when you tap the back button.)
- Remove the 'Done' button
- Change 'Choose from Repos' to 'Browse Gallery'. Adjust the style of this font to Roboto Reg 20px #000 (black)
Question: If users tap back in the browser, can we save their selections and add them to the repo? Or is that info lost?