The back button hack in the remote app details screen is broken and should be replaced with something that always works.
Steps to show the problem (when #126 (closed) is done): go to remote app details screen, select a different language. Add the app and then try to go back.
Why doesn't the back button always go to the normal gallery view?
It might also help to load the screenshots with AJAX instead of using a dedicated page. Maybe it even works to include, but hide them on the page. Ideally, they would only be loaded when actually shown.
Normally a click on "add" should take you back to the gallery screen.
Why doesn't the back button always go to the normal gallery view?
I did use "history.back()" and the other things because when just going back to the gallery screen, you would land at the top of it and would need to scroll down again. We could either 1) don't care about this or 2) implement a logic in JavaScript to automatically load and scroll down to the mentioned app.
It might also help to load the screenshots with AJAX instead of using a dedicated page.
I implemented it with a separate Django URL to support non-js users. If we decide to drop screenshots in remote apps for non-js users, I can implement an AJAX solution.
Normally a click on "add" should take you back to the gallery screen.
Yes, but when you can switch languages for remote app details, that doesn't work anymore.
I did use "history.back()" and the other things because when just going back to the gallery screen, you would land at the top of it and would need to scroll down again. We could either 1) don't care about this or 2) implement a logic in JavaScript to automatically load and scroll down to the mentioned app.
I think for now we should go with 1) even if it is not optimal. User's should still be able to use their browser's back button.
Maybe an "up" button would be clearer in that case?
I implemented it with a separate Django URL to support non-js users. If we decide to drop screenshots in remote apps for non-js users, I can implement an AJAX solution.
The downside of the current approach also is that you jump to the top when loading the screenshots needing to scroll down again.
I think we can assume that non-JS users don't want to load remote screenshots anyway ;)