UI design for Repository Creation
Carrie: Naming the repo is the first view you see after selecting the 'create new repo' from the landing view. (For the landing view (#2 (closed)), let's just create a blank page for now with a single button to create new repo.)
After naming your repo, the user is taken to the single repo view with no files yet added.
Here's a mockup of the states for the naming repo input field and buttons. Let's use the input fields from the material design library. The buttons are customized from material design. I'd like to use this style rather than the standard material design.
Note: The circle above the 'name your repo' text represents the repo icon. I'm not completely settled on having an icon for the repos yet, though. We have the support for it in the database, but it hasn't 'felt right' to me in working with the UI. I'll get a definite answer on how this should be implemented visually in the near future.
I've included the .svg files. There may be a bit of fine tuning to these views, but they are close enough to get development started. @NicoAlt let me know if you have any questions.