Apr 13, 2017–Oct 1, 2017
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- MySQL Error when updating repo: Incorrect string value
- UX challenges for app translations
- Improve Workflow for sharing of repo link
- UI Design for Account Management Screen
- Workflow for Managing Remote Repositories
- Implement Tutorial Designs
- Desktop App: SQLite Database Locked by Background Tasks
- Import Apps in Automatic Update Mode
- Add Debian package to a PPA
- Run on OS X
Completed Issues (closed)
- Error when trying to re-use remote APKs that were not downloaded
- Server Error (500) on "Edit Storage" page
- Show user's local default SSH Key
- Deleting Apps/Repos: App matching query does not exist.
- 'I Have F-Droid' button broken in repo link view
- Failed Repository Creation Leaves Broken Repository
- 'ApkUploadView' object has no attribute 'object'
- After deleting APKs Repomaker tries to redirect to old non-localized app edit page
- Back button hack in remote app details broken
- JavaScript hard-codes URLs
- Language codes are case-sensitive
- App does not fall back to default icon
- Repo Share Page: cloud_upload icon is not shown
- Don't wipe everything when drag and drop in app edit
- TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly
- App icons in repo page broken
- Still need to have AAPT in path
- Repo Page CSS points to wrong path for Robot fonts
- Handle failing download_remote_screenshot task when App was deleted
- Updated time on app summary cards is not accurate
- Apps to be added are forgotten when filtering or paging
- Uncaught TypeError in Repo Index
- Handle errors during remote repository update more gracefully
- Uncaught error when uploading same apk again
- Fix or remove empty <a> tags in description
- We've killed the wrong one: Run script not aborted properly
- Ensure that all needed dependencies are downloaded in setup.sh
- Improvements to Edit mode
- Onboarding flow improvement
- Improved New Repo View
- UX Design for Generic Error Page
- UI Improvement for Single Repo App Index
- UI for search and filters in the ‘Other Repo/Browse’ view
- UI Design for App Details Screen of Remote Apps
- Improve Filtering in Add App View
- Provide Category Images/Colors
- Inform user why adding an app did not work
- Displaying 25+ apps in the index
- Workflow for Translating App Metadata
- UI Design for Repository Creation Delay
- UI Design for Logout Confirmation
- UI Design for Password Reset
- Workflow for Managing Remote Storage
- UI/Visual Design for Drag and Drop Areas
- Workflow for updating apps
- Add pywebview to Desktop App
- Debian Package Build Instructions
- Run tests on OS X CI
- Implement button to clear feature graphic in app edit
- Research Deployment Strategies
- Implement Design and Drag'n'Drop for Feature Graphic
- Show some visual reaction when selecting files in app edit
- Add option to disable/delete storage directly from repo view
- Implement Workflow for Managing Remote Storage
- Implement UI Improvement for Single Repo App Index
- Implement UX Design for Generic Error Page
- Implement UI Design for App Details Screen of Remote Apps
- Implement improved filtering in add app view
- Show progress bar when uploading via "browse to upload"
- Implement UI Design for Logout Confirmation
- Implement UI Design for Password Reset
- Implement UI Design for Repo Creation Delay
- Repomaker tutorial
- Change 'Developed by' to 'By'
- Implement Workflow for Translating App Metadata
- Move repo homepage files into own directory
- Browse view: UI for adding and going back
- Handle locked database: django.db.utils.OperationalError
- Add versioning to static resources
- Show server error messages instead of doing a separate number index
- Internationalise JavaScript code
- Check that uploaded APKs are a proper update to current app
- Filter and paginate apps with AJAX requests
- Check APK signature after upload when fdroidserver changes
- Use background task priorities to finish repo changing tasks before updating
- Only show unadded apps when adding apps from remote repos
- Auto-save changes in app edit mode
- Allow users to delete a repository
- Implement drag and drop uploading of files
- Change location of repo icons
- Directly upload files after selection in repo index view
- Implement Pagination in Repo Index View
- Implement Search in Repo Index View
- Implement UI design for repository homepage on desktops
- Support other media types besides apps
- Apply Material Design to App Translation Page
- Support localized app metadata
- Add Git as a Remote Storage Option
- Add Configurable Default Storage for Hosted RepoMaker
- Create fresh SSH private key for SSH storage
- Make repository URL depend on remote storage
- Temporary Storage Location for Repositories
- System Check
- Add hints to fields in app edit mode