Multiple version updates in the same MR
By default Dependabot will create one MR per update available. This is not useful in somecases and can result in MRs which will always fail if two libraries are dependant on one another and are not pulled in transitively (e.g. a test and compile dependency).
An exmple of this issue, if I have a pom.xml
file with both kafka-clients:2.8.1
at compile scope and spring-kafka-test:2.7.9
at test scope, when I run dependabot, I get two MRs.
The first MR updates kafka-clients
to version 3.0.0
which fails the build because spring-kafka-test
needs kafka-clients:2.8.1
The second MR updates spring-kafka-test
to version 2.8.0
which fails the build because spring-kafka-test
needs kafka-clients:3.0.0
Question: Is there a way of getting all version updates to be bundled into a single MR?
If not, I understand that not all projects will want this, but it would be a good configuration option to have.