Blog post proposal: GitLab at Vue conf 2017
Last week, 21 - 23 of June 2017, I was at Vue Conf explaining how we changed our Frontend code from coffeescript to EcmaScript 6, why we started use Vue at GitLab and how we currently use vue (in a more technical point of view)
The conference was one of the best conferences I have attended so far and Vue community - an open source community - is amazing. All the speakers are approachable, kind and willing to share their knowledge.
Everyone - from the speakers to attendees - that I have spoken to showed a lot of love for GitLab
I would like to write a blog post and publish it by the end of the week with the following topics:
- GitLab was at Vue Conf 2017 explaing our frontend proccess
- Acknowledge the companies that sponsored the Vue Conf (Monterail, codeship, Monaca and Native Script) and the people involved that make it possible (Evan You and Damien Dulisz)
- Explain briefly how we use Vue at GitLab, with a link to our docs
- Share the slides
I know a video of the talk is going to be published in the meanwhile, not sure if it makes sense to wait for it.