Container Registry URL
Hey guys,
When I had GitLab installed on my own server, I could make the registry run on a standard port of another domain. I.e. for
it was
. GitHost does not seem to allow this, which makes the registry URL (
) look pretty ugly and much easier to make a typo in. Unfortunately, remembering another random sequence of four numbers is too much for my brain.
Would it be possible to make the registry domain name and port configurable too? My guess is that this would only require a couple of extra inputs on the edit page and also a few lines of code in the reconfigure script. The difficulty can only happen with SSL certs (a user would have to provide 1 multi-domain cert or 2 different certs if the registry domain is chosen to be custom). But this can be solved once and for all with Letsenrypt (see #1).
What are your thoughts on this little convenience-improving change?
The amount of flexibility on GitHost I see now feels a bit insufficient and there is a temptation to move to the custom server despite the simplicity you are offering. It would be nice if you improved this service according to your customers' needs so that more teams could appreciate your work by purchasing something from you rather than just being casual contributors to issues.