You either have a specific version of GitLab CE or EE installed on your server and therefore have the correct docs or you are using which points to the most up to date docs.
or you are using which points to the most up to date docs.
.com also runs on a specific version and if we are deploying from CE/EE master, we tend to have newer documentation than we support. That's what we are trying to solve with versioned docs.
@axil didn't we have a discussion with @sytses where we decided that both internationalization and versioning were an unnecessary complexity?
I see help is gone from the side menu in 8.14, what is the suggested way to get help for your GitLab install? I thought helpin GitLab pointed to the local server docs instead of because of firewalls and versioning.
I'd like to possibly include the generated Nanoc site in the Rails app rather than rely on the site being up and working, but I'm not exactly sure how we can accomplish that.
Axil says he was told he couldn't hide the comments behind a "Load Comments" button, I don't really understand why when that'd help to make the site load faster and the page smaller. Not to mention most people probably wouldn't want to see the comments, my understanding is that it's primarily for feedback. Thoughts?
Thinking about this a bit more, I think it makes sense to host the docs comments under our forum which runs Discourse and it supports this functionality.
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Hmm, I don't know if we want Discourse @axil, Sid's request was to add Disqus. I think most of the people will have an account in Disqus, not in Discourse. And as far as I know, Discourse was created for forums, not for comments. ;)