8.17 Documentation Master Checklist
Includes all tasks for EE changes and CE changes relating to GitLab Pages. I am still reviewing the remaining CE MRs have documentation and may create more tasks.
Getting started: pick an item and tick off the tasks!
Sean's tip for getting stuff done: Make sure to always leave an issue or MR in a state where we know what the next action is to complete it. This means you may have to ask someone for more information, but while you are waiting for a response and until someone accepts ownership, it is still your responsibility to make sure it gets done!
reference: 8.17 CE documentation issues https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues?label_name=Documentation&milestone_title=8.17 reference: 8.17 EE documentation issues https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues?label_name=Documentation&milestone_title=8.17
Done and added to release post
- Auditor user with read-only access
- Auto-squash commits when merging merge request
- Provide multiple git mount points so we can split NFS drives
- Repository mirroring: Support for configurable sync time
Annex -> LFS migration guide
- Documentation issue Marcia is working on
- Marcia done creating docs
- review docs
- add docs link to release post
Done and added to release post
- Add GitLab Pages to CE
- Add existing issues to issue board
Update GitLab Pages DNS record instructions in documentation
- Issue
- create docs
- review docs
Better getting started experience for GitLab Pages (.com and CE)
- Issue
- Marcia creating docs
- review docs