This project includes reuseable GitLab-CI jobs for the GitLab Dedicated Project
This project includes reuseable GitLab-CI jobs for the GitLab Dedicated Project.
Setting up a new project? Use the [project template](#project-template).
## Developer Setup
@@ -40,3 +42,9 @@ Alternatively to using the templates above, you can include the following indivi
| [`terraform-format.yml`](./| Runs [`terraform fmt`]( to ensure that all Terraform files are correctly formatted. |
| [`terraform-validate.yml`](./ | Runs [`terraform validate`]( to ensure that all Terraform files are valid. |
| [`tflint.yml`](./ | Runs [`tflint`]( across all directories that contain `*.tf` files. |
## Project Template
`common-ci-tasks` favours convention-over-configuration, and expects configuration files and some directories to be configured in a certain way. The quickest way to get going on a new project is to use the `common-template-copier` project template to generate a new project based on the conventions expected by these CI tasks.
Instruction on usage at: <>.