- Nov 07, 2019
yorickpeterse-staging authored
- Aug 07, 2019
Yorick Peterse authored
- May 26, 2019
Yorick Peterse authored
The use of AtomicU16 requires Rust 1.34 or newer, as it's only available when using nightly Rust on older versions.
- May 10, 2019
Yorick Peterse authored
1.31 introduced Rust 2018, not 1.30.
Yorick Peterse authored
- Feb 19, 2019
Yorick Peterse authored
- Sep 24, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
- Sep 22, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
- Aug 20, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
This replaces the VM dependency on std::intrinsics with a dependency on std::arch. The std::arch module provides the means to perform CPU prefetching, but without having to use Rust nightly. This means we can finally remove any traces of nightly-only features, including those used for parking_lot (which weren't very useful to begin with). All of this means you can now build the VM on stable Rust, while still being able to benefit from CPU prefetching.
- Aug 02, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
- Aug 01, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
Yorick Peterse authored
- Jul 31, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
- Jul 25, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
This should make it a bit easier to install the compiler on systems with slightly older versions of Ruby, such as Debian stretch.
- Jul 23, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
Yorick Peterse authored
- Jul 15, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
This all in preparation for the upcoming Inko website.
- Feb 10, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
Using "var" is a bit confusing because one might read it as "variable" opposed to something along the lines of "mutable variable". Using "let mut" makes it more clear that we're defining a mutable variable, it also ensures both definitions always start with the same keyword.
- Nov 02, 2017
Yorick Peterse authored
- Aug 06, 2017
Yorick Peterse authored
- Jul 13, 2017
Yorick Peterse authored
Yorick Peterse authored
- Jul 05, 2017
Yorick Peterse authored
- Jul 04, 2017
Yorick Peterse authored
The compiler now embraces prototype OO more, removing any mentions to "classes", instead providing a simple "object" keyword. This keyword on the outside behaves the same, but the underlying code/behaviour is much more straightforward. For example, this: object Person { fn init(name: String) { let @name = name } } Is (roughly) compiled down to this: let Person = Object.new fn(self) { fn new(name: String) { let instance = prototype.new instance.init(name) instance } fn init(name: String) { let @name = name } }.call(Person) Here "Object.new" creates an empty object with its prototype set to "Object". In this setup there are no class methods, but I actually quite like this. Since you can define methods directly in a module there isn't really a good reason to support class methods. One big benefit of this approach is that bootstrapping is much simpler, and the compiler can more easily infer types. I personally also find it much easier to reason about objects when you have _just_ objects and methods, instead of also having classes and meta classes. With this also comes the decision to expose prototypes more to the language. For example, Object will respond to the "prototype" message instead of responding to some kind of "class" message. Finally, in this commit the compiler is also changed to mostly rely on message sending for defining core constructs. For example, when you define a trait like so: trait ToString { fn to_string -> String } It's (roughly) compiled down to: let ToString = Trait.new fn(self) { define_required_method('to_string') }.call(ToString) Knowledge such as the type signatures of the required methods or any type arguments will only be known to the compiler for the time being.
- Jun 15, 2017
Yorick Peterse authored
Yorick Peterse authored
- Mar 08, 2017
Yorick Peterse authored
The old prototype compiler written in Ruby is being replaced with a Rust based compiler.
- Dec 25, 2016
Yorick Peterse authored
Inko ("インコ") means parrot/parakeet in Japanese. In Inko communication happens via message passing, for both objects and processes. Naming the language after parrots/parakeets (a rather vocal type of bird, some known for mimicking human speech) makes more sense than naming it after the concept of eternity. Furthermore, naming the language after parrots allows the creation of a proper logo and mascot; something quite hard when your language is called "Aeon".
- Sep 22, 2016
Yorick Peterse authored
- Sep 14, 2015
Yorick Peterse authored