For GitHost app testing, can we create API credentials for the DO Dev account? Right now even local dev uses the 'prod' GitHost team which is not a great idea. I don't have privileges to create API credentials.
@dblessing is there currently development work happening against the GitHost code base?
Are you trying to test and validate the API? Because generating tokens for the dev environment is also scary in that someone could wipe out servers in testing the API and not realize what they were doing.
I've opened a request to Digital Ocean to see if they have an API Sandbox.
is there currently development work happening against the GitHost code base?
Yes, most definitely.
Are you trying to test and validate the API? Because generating tokens for the dev environment is also scary in that someone could wipe out servers in testing the API and not realize what they were doing.
Yes, it's not without dangers. Until now, all GitHost development has happened using GitHost prod API creds, which is even worse.
@pcarranza Yes, it would be great to have this. Would it be for the same Dev account as we're currently using with Terraform? Would this interfere with terraform?
I have access to the DevOps and Support vaults. We also have a GitHost vault.
@ahanselka can you please create a token and share it with the DevOps vault?
I think that this could interfere with terraform, but I'm still not sure how would it do it. @omame what would happen if we create a host that is not in the terraform state when we run plan and apply? will this host be destroyed?
@dblessing would it make sense to get a specific testing account for this? (with a really low limit of vms?)
@pcarranza@dblessing I created the token and it is in the DevOps vault. I do think it might be wise to create a new account, though, if only because of terraform. However, I have no idea so lets hear what @omame has to say 🙂
@ernstvn sure. We would need to create a new account and then I could create a token for it. I propose calling the account GitHost Dev and we can likely just use the default limits. This will also let us perhaps build a staging environment as well.
Confirmed with @dblessing that this is no longer needed as active development against GitHost has stopped and fixes will continue in the same vein as they have been.